TheRe Is sO muCh thIngS HapPeninG iN my lIfe ThAt i dEcidEd To CreAted A bLog And ShAre wIth You!FeEl FrEE tO dRop In And LeavE me Your ComMenT iF yOu LikE.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Bintan lagoon resort..

Went for a short getaway to Bintan lagoon resort during the CNY. Didn't really enjoy myself there cos i vomitted on the way there and didn't feel too well after that. Anyway, there's nothing to shout about this resort.. services are slow, everything is so expensive! The Nelayan restaurant sucks! Tasteless food, very poor services but yet SO EXPENSIVE! I've been to the few resorts in bintan resorts, Banyan Tree, Mayan Sari, club med bintan and bintan lagoon. Out of these 4 resorts, I'll definitely not be going to Bintan lagoon resort again!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Chinese New Year....
chinese new year is just round the corner yet i've not done any sort of preparation!!!! Too busy with my work recently. think i will have to start this weekend. At least clean the house. Although i won't be around during the 1st 3 days of the festival, still need to prepare some goodies and drinks as my friends and my hubby's colleagues are coming over. Haizzzzzz.... so many things to do yet so little time...
Anyway, i wish everyone out there a very happy new year!