Sunday, May 3, 2009

my brother and my sister went to the grave of my grandfather 's recently and my bro took this pic and send it to me. without realising how times flies, my grandfather had passed away for 16 years already.

my dislike for her is getting stronger and stronger!!!! but what can i do? NOTHING! i now hated the time when i have to see her so i keep finding excuses not to go over, hope i will not run out of excuses...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

recently i'm learning to watch football... especially man u matches. Started this so called hobby is bcos i wanted to keep my hubby company when he's watching the matches (my hubby is a die hard man u fan!haha) and i think i am starting to like this game cos once you know the basic for football, you'll find it interesting. last week i even woke up at 3am to watch the match with him. it was an excellent match to watch but after that..... i was so tired the next day!!!

the kids' examination are just round the corner and as usual i am busy getting the kids prepared for their papers. Hope that this year ALL my students will do well for their papers...