TheRe Is sO muCh thIngS HapPeninG iN my lIfe ThAt i dEcidEd To CreAted A bLog And ShAre wIth You!FeEl FrEE tO dRop In And LeavE me Your ComMenT iF yOu LikE.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
the school holidays are over and if you ask me, i'll tell you that i'm utterly disappointed... with myself, with him especially. was on leave for so many days so i thought he'll suggest us going out somewhere but yet everyday he's glued to the television!. Please for goodness sake, it's not everyday that i end my lessons at 6pm and off on wed and weekends. instead of making good use of the time, he can spend it on mahjong and mahjong and still mahjong! UTTERLY DISAPPOINTED!!!!
the feeling that he's avoiding me is getting so strong that i can't stand it anymore.... Is he trying to hide something from me? i wish that i'm thinking too much!
getting married is supposed to be such a wonderful thing.... it is... in the first few months and after that every true colours are shown!!! frankly speakly, not too sure if i can handle this again. it's like the history repeating itself..... and i'm like doing the same things i was doing many years back.... tired if you ask me... mentally!!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
The old times..

Was chatting with my dad about my 5th uncle who had just passed away recently, dad then took out some old pic and we found many meaningful one. Take this for example, you can never guess who's this. It's my old man.. Ha ha i know, he look so different now but without any doubt, he was handsome before lor...